Saturday, October 13, 2018

JD Edwards Fixing IB Batch Using SQL

I got from user not able to post this batch , getting error, so many lines in the batch its difficult to go through each line and fix this.

Informational: Call From : Rajeev Kumar
Contact :
Phone Number :
Tickler Date : 10/11/2018
Subject :
CAUSE . . . . The AA ledger type for 9/23/2018 , document 1283687
is out of balance by 9644.16 .
RESOLUTION. . Verify that each document within this batch is correct.

  So I posted that batch out of balance. after that find out how much is the difference using following SQL :-

Select gldoc,sum(glaa)/100 Amt  from proddta.f0911 where glicu = '1571879' 
group by gldoc
having sum(glaa)<>0

After that found the document number which is out of balance; after that add that amount as following:-

select -917910+661558
and updated total amount(GLAA) in AE doc type as following:-

update proddta.f0911 set glaa=-256352 where glicu = '1571879' and  gldoc in(1283687) and gldct='AE'

after that Run Re-post UBE to fix account Balance.

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