Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Setting Up Benefits Administration JD Edwards E1

Setting Up Benefits Administration

This chapter contains the following topics:

Converting Payroll History JD Edwards E1

Converting Payroll History

When you implement the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Payroll system in the middle of a calendar year, you typically need to enter the payroll history records from the legacy payroll system into the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Payroll system. The system uses these payroll history records to calculate the information that appears on employees year-end forms.

The system provides a conversion process that you can use to import payroll history records from a legacy system and convert them into the format that is used by the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Payroll system.

Each time that you process a payroll cycle, the system creates historical records of employees earnings, deductions, and taxes. You use these historical records to print historical and governmental reports, answer employees questions, and process year-end forms for employees. In some cases, you might need to import payroll history records from another payroll system and convert them to the format that is used by the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Payroll system. These situations are examples of when you might need to convert payroll history:


Saturday, October 27, 2012

Building and Using WebServices with JDeveloper

Web Services provide client neutral access to data and other services. JDeveloper allows you to create different types of Web Services quickly and easily....

In this tutorial, you will create 4 different Web Services: a POJO Annotation-Driven service, a Declaratively-Driven POJO service, a service for existing WSDL, and an EJB service. The focus of these scenarios is to demonstrate and test Java EE 5 web services. In particular this means JAX-WS (Java API for XML Web Services) and annotation handling. JAX-WS enables you to enter annotations directly into the Java source without the need for a separate XML deployment descriptor 

At the end of the tutorial you create an ADF Client application that consumes the web service you created. 


Monday, October 22, 2012

Jdeveloper To connect to Microsoft SQL Server

To connect to Microsoft SQL Server:

  1. From www.microsoft.com, download and install the appropriate Microsoft SQL Server driver:

    • For Microsoft SQL Server 2005, choose Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Driver.

    • For Microsoft SQL Server 2008, choose Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Driver.

  2. Set up the user library to contain install-directory\sqljdbc.jar.

  3. Create a database connection to Microsoft SQL Server. Use the following values:

    • Connection Type: SQLServer

    • Username and Password: enter the appropriate values for the connection.

    • Driver Class: com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver

    • Library: the library you created for the driver.

    • JDBC URLs: jdbc:sqlserver://machine-name:port;DatabaseName=database-name, where the section DatabaseName=database-name is optional

What you May Need to Know

If you are using Windows Authentication credentials to connect to Microsoft SQL Server, you need to add do the following:

  • Add the connection property integratedSecurity=TRUE and the username and password values to the JDBC URL, for example

  • Add the location of sqljdbc_auth.dll to your PATH variable:

    • For 32bit JVM, this is installation-directory\sqljdbc_version\language\auth\x86

    • For 64bit JVM, this is installation-directory\sqljdbc_version\language\auth\x64

For more information, see Building the Connection URL, which is available as part of Connecting to SQL Server with the JDBC Driver at the Microsoft MSDN website.


Saturday, October 20, 2012

Using BPEL to Build Composite Services and Business Processes

BPEL is a rich XML based language for describing the assembly of a set of existing 
web services into either a composite service or a business process. Once deployed, 
a BPEL process itself is actually invoked as a web service.
Thus anything that can call a web service, can also call a BPEL process, including 
of course other BPEL processes. This allows you to take a nested approach to 
writing BPEL processes, giving you a lot of flexibility.
In this chapter we first introduce the basic structure of a BPEL process, its key 
constructs, and the difference between a synchronous and asynchronous service. 
We then demonstrate through the building and refinement of two example BPEL 
processes, one synchronous the other asynchronous, how to use BPEL to invoke 
external web services (including other BPEL processes) to build composite services. 
During this procedure we also take the opportunity to introduce the reader to many 
of the key BPEL activities in more detail.



Friday, October 19, 2012

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Business view JD Ewards distinct Data

First create the index you want to use, then right click on the table name in the "Table Joins" window and click "Change Index". You will get error message.

Pick your single field index and you will be able to accomplish selecting the distinct values for a single field without selecting the entire primary key.


Friday, October 5, 2012

Convert Numeric to A String with decimals - JD Edwards

Tested solution

Convert Math Numeric To A String with Decimals


Input Gpay
Output AA15