Saturday, July 8, 2017

The customer is inhibited from batch processing. JD Edwards

Informational: Call From     : Rajeev Kumar
Contact       :
Phone Number  :
Tickler Date  : 7/8/2017
Subject       : Error: ERROR - Customer Inhibited from B
Cause . . . . . The customer is inhibited from batch processing.
Resolution. . . Go to Billing Instructions and change the Batch Processing Mode
                for this customer, or use a different customer.

How to fix this?

 change batch processing mode to P/T

Friday, July 7, 2017

Display Distinct Record set in label SQL Server C# asp.nrt

 SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(ConnectionStringrk);
        string strSQL;
        strSQL = "select adan8 from mfdb.proddta.f550092 where aduser ='" + TextBox7.Text + "'";

        SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(strSQL, myConnection);
        cmd.CommandTimeout = 50;
        cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
        Label11125.Text = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Sales Upload F47011/F47012

VA rpt_DateTransactionJulian = BC Date - Actual Ship Date (F554784B)(ADDJ)
VA rpt_ProgramId = "ER554787"
VA rpt_OrderType = "SO"
// Next Number
If BC Document (Voucher, Invoice, etc.) (F554784B)(DOC) is equal to PC Document (Voucher, Invoice, etc.) (F554784B) (DOC)
VA rpt_LineNo = [VA rpt_LineNo]+1
F0002 Get F4201 Next Number
RV DOCO = VA rpt_DocumentOrderInvoiceE
VA rpt_LineNo = 1
End If
// Sales Header
F47011.Fetch Single
If SV File_IO_Status is equal to CO SUCCESS
End If
// Detail File
F4101.Fetch Single
VA rpt_StatusCodeLast = "520"
VA rpt_StatusCodeNext = "527"
VA rpt_AmountExtendedPrice = [BC Amount - Price per Unit (F554784B)(UPRC)]*[BC Quantity Shipped (F554784B)(SOQS)]
VA rpt_AmountExtendedPrice = [BC Amount - Extended Price (F554784B)(AEXP)]
VA rpt_AmtPricePerUnit2 = [BC Amount - Extended Price (F554784B)(AEXP)]/[BC Quantity Shipped (F554784B)(SOQS)]
F4101.Fetch Single
VA rpt_LineType = [VA rpt_StockingType]
If BC Description (F554784B)(DSC1) is equal to <Blank>
VA rpt_DescriptionLine1 = BC Description (F554784B)(DSC1)
End If
VA rpt_UnitOfMeasure = "EA"
VA rpt_PriceOverrideCode = "1"
VA rpt_UniqID = [BC Unique Key ID (Internal) (F554784B)(UKID)]
// Update Uploaded data
VA rpt_EdiSuccessfullyProcess = "Y"
VA rpt_ContractNumber_01 = [BC Unique Key ID (Internal) (F554784B)(UKID)]
F47012.Fetch Single
If SV File_IO_Status is equal to CO SUCCESS
End If
RV testvar = [BC Unique Key ID (Internal) (F554784B)(UKID)]