Friday, March 4, 2016

SQL For Account Balance fix -F0911 vs F0902

--drop table #temp902

select  GBAID,gbsbl,gbsblt,sum(gban01) Period_01  ,sum(gban02) Period_02 ,
sum(gban03) Period_03 ,sum(gban04) Period_04 ,sum(gban05) Period_05 ,sum(gban06) Period_06 ,sum(gban07) Period_07 ,
sum(gban08) Period_08 ,sum(gban09) Period_09 ,sum(gban10) Period_10 ,sum(gban11) Period_11 ,sum(gban12) Period_12 
,sum(gban13) Period_13
into #temp902 from proddta.f0902 where gbco='00600' and gbfy=15 and gblt='AA'
group by GBAID,gbsbl,gbsblt

--having sum(gban01)<>0
delete #temp902 where period_01=0 AND  period_02=0 AND  period_03=0 AND  period_04=0 AND  period_05=0 AND  period_06=0
 AND  period_07=0 AND  period_08=0 AND  period_09=0 AND  period_10=0 AND  period_11=0 AND  period_12=0  and Period_13=0

select glpn, GLAID,GLsbl,GLsblt,sum(GLAA) Amount into #temp1 from proddta.f0911 where glco='00600'  and glfy=15 
and gllt='AA'  and glpost='P'
group by GLAID,GLsbl,GLsblt,glpn

select glpn,GLAID,GLsbl,GLsblt,
case When glpn=1 then amount else 0 end Period_01,  
case When glpn=2 then amount else 0 end Period_02,  
case When glpn=3 then amount else 0 end Period_03,  
case When glpn=4 then amount else 0 end Period_04,  
case When glpn=5 then amount else 0 end Period_05,  
case When glpn=6 then amount else 0 end Period_06,  
case When glpn=7 then amount else 0 end Period_07,  
case When glpn=8 then amount else 0 end Period_08,  
case When glpn=9 then amount else 0 end Period_09,  
case When glpn=10 then amount else 0 end Period_10,  
case When glpn=11 then amount else 0 end Period_11,  
case When glpn=12 then amount else 0 end Period_12 ,
case When glpn=13 then amount else 0 end Period_13 
into #temp2
from #temp1

--drop table #temp3
select GLAID,GLsbl,GLsblt,
Sum(Period_11)Period_11,Sum(Period_12)Period_12,Sum(Period_13)Period_13 into #temp3
 from #temp2
 group by GLAID,GLsbl,GLsblt

 delete #temp3
 where period_01=0 AND  period_02=0 AND  period_03=0 AND  period_04=0 AND  period_05=0 AND  period_06=0
 AND  period_07=0 AND  period_08=0 AND  period_09=0 AND  period_10=0 AND  period_11=0 AND  period_12=0  and Period_13=0

-- declare @aid varchar(10)='10205217'
--select * from #temp902 where  gbaid=@aid and gbsbl='01424411'
--select * from #temp3 where  glaid=@aid and glsbl='01424411'

--select * from #temp902 order by 1,2,3
--select * from #temp3 order by 1,2,3

select GLAID,GLsbl,GLsblt,a.period_13,b.period_13 from #temp902 a
left outer join #temp3 b on GLAID=GBAID and GLsbl=GBSBL and GLsblt=gbsblt

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