Thursday, June 6, 2024

How to load data (CSV file) in databricks delta table using Excel, VBA and DSN

 How to load data (CSV file) in databricks delta table using Excel, VBA and DSN

1. Create DSN using Simba driver on your machine

2. Get token and password from databricks

3. CSV column header Name must be same as table's columns header. 

Sub UploadDataToSQLServer_Dynamic()

    ' Define variables

    Dim sFile As String

    Dim Cn As ADODB.Connection

    Dim UploadQuery As String

    Dim fso As Object

    Dim ts As Object

    Dim line As String

    Dim DataArray() As String

    Dim i As Long

    Dim batchCounter As Long

    Dim batchSize As Long

    Dim batchQuery As String

    Dim headerArray() As String

    Dim numColumns As Integer

    Dim columnList As String


    Dim StartTime As Double

     StartTime = Timer

    ' Get the CSV file to upload

    sFile = Application.GetOpenFilename("CSV Files (*.csv), *.csv", , "Select CSV File to Upload")

    If sFile = "False" Then Exit Sub ' User canceled the file selection

    ' Open the CSV file

    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    Set ts = fso.OpenTextFile(sFile, 1) ' 1 for reading

    ' Establish connection to SQL Server (replace details with your own)

    dsnName = "YourDSNName"

    Set Cn = New ADODB.Connection

    Cn.Open "DSN=" & dsnName & ";Uid=YorrTokenFromDataBricks;Pwd=YourPassWord from Databricks ;"

    ' Initialize variables

    batchCounter = 0

    batchSize = 80

    TableName = "DatabaseName.TableName"


    UploadQuery = "INSERT INTO " & TableName & "("

    ' Read the header row to determine the number of columns

    If Not ts.AtEndOfStream Then

        line = ts.ReadLine

        headerArray = Split(line, ",")

        numColumns = UBound(headerArray) + 1

        columnList = Join(headerArray, ", ")

        UploadQuery = UploadQuery & columnList & ") "

    End If

    ' Initialize the batch query

    batchQuery = ""

    ' Read and process the CSV file

    i = 0

    Do Until ts.AtEndOfStream

        line = ts.ReadLine

        DataArray = Split(line, ",")

        ' Build the SELECT part dynamically based on data types (modify as needed)

        If UBound(DataArray) = UBound(headerArray) Then

            batchQuery = batchQuery & "SELECT "

            For j = 0 To numColumns - 1

                batchQuery = batchQuery & "'" & Replace(DataArray(j), "'", "''") & "'"

                If j < numColumns - 1 Then

                    batchQuery = batchQuery & ", "

                End If

            Next j

            batchQuery = batchQuery & " UNION ALL " & Chr(10)

            batchCounter = batchCounter + 1

            ' Check if batch size is reached

            If batchCounter >= batchSize Then

                ' Remove the last 'UNION ALL' and execute the batch query

                If Len(batchQuery) > 0 Then

                    batchQuery = Left(batchQuery, Len(batchQuery) - Len(" UNION ALL " & Chr(10)))

                 '   Debug.Print UploadQuery & Chr(10) & batchQuery


                    Cn.Execute UploadQuery & Chr(10) & batchQuery

                End If

                ' Reset the batch variables

                batchQuery = ""

                batchCounter = 0

            End If

        End If

        i = i + 1


    ' Execute any remaining batch query

    If batchCounter > 0 And Len(batchQuery) > 0 Then

        batchQuery = Left(batchQuery, Len(batchQuery) - Len(" UNION ALL " & Chr(10)))

        Debug.Print UploadQuery & Chr(10) & batchQuery

        Cn.Execute UploadQuery & Chr(10) & batchQuery

    End If

    ' Close the text stream


    ' Close the connection


    ' Inform user of successful upload

    MsgBox Format((Timer - StartTime) / 86400, "hh:mm:ss") & " Data upload to Databricks SQL  completed!", vbInformation

    ' Clean up

    Set Cn = Nothing

    Set fso = Nothing

    Set ts = Nothing

End Sub

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