Tuesday, December 22, 2015

V Batch Error Matching issue PO fix JD Edwards

Here's what happened with this batch:


1.       Matched invoice A5127-IN to PO # 12643 under Batch #  67567 with payment terms set to 1/10 Net 30.

2.       Did a manual payment on the above batch. Batch # of the manual payment is 787878.

3.       Went to post Batch # 67567 , but the batch status became "Error."

a.       We believe this is because Peoplesoft can't support payment terms like 1/10 Net 30 which give a discount.

4.       Voided the manual payment (Batch # 67567 )

5.       Tried to void/reverse the voucher (Batch # 767677), but it won't work. There is no option to reverse the vouchers.


What we need to do is void/reverse Batch # 767677, so we can change the payment terms for ELFA International and then re-match the same invoice.

 My Fix

take backup

select *  from proddta.f0411 where rpicu=995730

select *  from proddta.f0911 where glicu=995730 and glicut='v'

select *  from jde_production.proddta.f4311 where pddoco=00396454


F0411 Open amount 0/gross amt 0

F0911 Amount 0

Run repost for related account - R099102

Change F4311 next last to 400 380

Asked user to recreat the voucher and match again......

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