Thursday, December 31, 2015

Fwd: Receipt Reversal error

Receipt reversal not working.




Solution : - problem was Company was not setup for next year,for this company so I setup the date pattern and started working. 

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Application Failure Recovery for the Web Client

Error in B0900049 Why ? JD Edwards

Microsoft Visual Studio Version being used: 10
Processing user defined build tools.

Generating Makefile:  C:\E910\DV910\obj\CFIN.mak
Makefile generated.

Building business functions. 


---------------- SafetyCheck Started ---------------
Scanning C:\E910\DV910\include\B0900049.h...
Scanning C:\E910\DV910\source\B0900049.c...
---------------------- Done ----------------------
2 Files Processed
0 Errors
0 Warnings

C:\E910\SYSTEM\include\systables.h(21) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'f00165.h': No such file or directory

Adjusting DLL load addresses . . .

************Build Finished************

CFIN.dll     -   1 error(s),    0 warning(s):  Build failed.  Restored previous dll. 

Mass Check Print Process - Z-file method JD Edwards


1.       1. Get the rebate amount – R550945A

2.       2. Verify data

3.       3. Copy and paste Data to this screen – P550945

4.       4. Run R550446

a.       Create Record in Z- Files (R550945B)

b.      Call R04110ZA to load data in F0411/F0911

c.       Run R04570 to create Mass checks

5.       5.Go to create payment control group to print all the checks(P04571).


Table structure for F550945




/****** Object:  Table [TESTDTA].[F550945]    Script Date: 12/26/2015 5:03:03 PM ******/



       [LGAUDITID] [float] NOT NULL,

       [LGLITM] [char](25) NULL,

       [LGDSC1] [char](30) NULL,

       [LGAN81] [float] NULL,

       [LGSOQS] [float] NULL,

       [LGTRDJ] [numeric](18, 0) NULL,

       [LGCBCKDT] [numeric](18, 0) NULL,

       [LGRBAM] [float] NULL,

       [LGCHKN] [float] NULL,

       [LGAN85] [float] NULL,

       [LG74UJDT] [numeric](18, 0) NULL,

       [LGUOPN] [float] NULL,

       [LGRBA2] [float] NULL,

       [LGREBCLM] [float] NULL,

       [LGRBPA] [float] NULL,

       [LGCOMMENTS] [varchar](256) NULL,

       [LG75TEPD] [numeric](18, 0) NOT NULL,

       [LGYN] [char](1) NULL,

       [LGADDJ] [numeric](18, 0) NULL,

       [LGDRQJ] [numeric](18, 0) NULL,

       [LGUSER] [char](10) NULL,

       [LGPID] [char](10) NULL,

       [LGUPMJ] [numeric](18, 0) NULL,

       [LGUPMT] [float] NULL




Code for R550945B

Listing of ER for Report: Report : Upload Z-file (R550945B)



     GLOBALS: Variables (Global)












































     SECTION: Rebate Check Upload [COLUMNAR SECTION] (S1)



     EVENT:  Initialize Section


     OPT: Using Defaults

0001 Get Audit Information

        VA rpt_TimeLastUpdated <- BF mnTime

        VA rpt_WorkStationId <- BF szWorkstation_UserId



     EVENT:  Do Section


     OPT: Using Defaults

0001 EDI Batch Number, Get Next Number

        VA rpt_EdiBatchNumber <- BF szEdiBatchNumber

0002 X0010 - Get Next Number

        "00" -> BF szSystemCode

        "1" -> BF mnNextNumberingIndexNo

        VA rpt_NextNumber001 <- BF mnNextNumber001

0003 X0010 - Get Next Number

        "00" -> BF szSystemCode

        "6" -> BF mnNextNumberingIndexNo

        VA rpt_NextNumber007 <- BF mnNextNumber001

0004 VA rpt_EdiBatchNumber09 = [VA rpt_NextNumber007]

0005 //

0006 VA rpt_DocumentType = "PV"

0007 VA rpt_EdiSendRcvIndicator = "B"

0008 VA rpt_EdiTransactNumber = 1

0009 VA rpt_EdiLineNumber = 1

0010 VA rpt_EdiTransactionAction = "A"

0011 VA rpt_EdiTransactionType = "V"

0012 VA rpt_BatchFileDiscountHandlin = "1"

0013 VA rpt_CompanyKey = "00600"

0014 VA rpt_BatchType = "V"

0015 VA rpt_BalancedJournalEntries = "Y"

0016 VA rpt_PayStatusCode = "A"

0017 VA rpt_AccountModeGL = "2"

0018 VA rpt_Century = "20"

0019 VA rpt_CurrencyMode = "D"

0020 VA rpt_CurrencyCodeFrom = "USD"

0021 ! VA rpt_GlBankAccount = "10158437"

0022 ! VA rpt_GlBankAccount = "10114838"

0023 VA rpt_GlBankAccount = "10238419"

0024 VA rpt_ProgramId = "R550458"

0025 ! VA rpt_TimeLastUpdated = "120000"

0026 VA rpt_LedgerType = "AA"

0027 VA rpt_AcctNoInputMode = "         600.216100.005"

0028 ! VA rpt_AccountId = "10001749"

0029 ! VA rpt_AccountId = "10114974"

0030 VA rpt_AccountId = "10206828"

0031 VA rpt_SequenceNoOperations = 0

0032 VA rpt_EdiSuccessfullyProcess = "0"

0033 VA rpt_CostCenter09 = "         600"

0034 VA rpt_Subsidiary = "015"

0035 VA rpt_ObjectAccount = "216100"

0036 VA rpt_YesOrNoEntry = "P"

0037 VA rpt_SubledgerType = "A"

0038 VA rpt_VendorInvoiceNumber = concat(concat(concat(concat(date_year(date_today())," -"),date_month(date_today())),"-"),date_day(date_today()))

0039 VA rpt_VendorInvoiceNumber_1 = concat(concat(concat(concat(date_year(date_today())," -"),date_month(date_today())),"-"),date_day(date_today()))

0040 //

0041 VA rpt_UserReservedReference = [BC Auditor ID (F550945)(AUDITID)]

0042 //

0043 ! VA rpt_Subledger = [BC Address Number - 1st (F550945)(AN81)]

0044 ! Subledger Format

     !    VA rpt_Subledger <> BF szSubledger

     !    "A" -> BF cSubledgerType

0045 RV SBL_1 = [BC Address Number - 1st (F550945)(AN81)]

0046 Subledger Format

        RV SBL_1 <> BF szSubledger

        "A" -> BF cSubledgerType

0047 //

0048 F0101.Fetch Single

        BC Address Number - 1st (F550945)(AN81) =  TK Address Number

        VA rpt_CostCenter <- TK Business Unit

0049 F0401.Fetch Single

        BC Address Number - 1st (F550945)(AN81) =  TK Address Number

        VA rpt_GlClass <- TK G/L Offset

0050 //

0051 F0411Z1.Insert

        BC User ID (F550945)(USER) -> TK EDI - User ID

        VA rpt_EdiTransactNumber -> TK EDI - Transaction Number

        VA rpt_EdiLineNumber -> TK EDI - Line Number

        VA rpt_EdiSendRcvIndicator -> TK EDI - Send/Receive Indicator

        VA rpt_EdiSuccessfullyProcess -> TK EDI - Successfully Processed

        VA rpt_EdiTransactionAction -> TK EDI - Transaction Action

        VA rpt_EdiTransactionType -> TK EDI - Transaction Type

        VA rpt_EdiBatchNumber09 -> TK EDI - Batch Number

        VA rpt_BatchFileDiscountHandlin -> TK Batch File Discount Handling Flag

        VA rpt_CompanyKey -> TK Document Company

        BC Address Number - 1st (F550945)(AN81) -> TK Address Number

        BC Address Number - 1st (F550945)(AN81) -> TK Payee Address Number

        BC Date - Order/Transaction (F550945)(TRDJ) -> TK Date - Invoice - Julian

        BC Date - Order/Transaction (F550945)(TRDJ) -> TK Date - Service/Tax

        BC Date - Order/Transaction (F550945)(TRDJ) -> TK Date - Net Due

        BC Date - Order/Transaction (F550945)(TRDJ) -> TK Date - Discount Due - Julian

        SL DateToday -> TK Date - For G/L (and Voucher) - Julian

        VA rpt_Century -> TK Century

        VA rpt_CompanyKey -> TK Company

        VA rpt_BatchType -> TK Batch Type

        VA rpt_BalancedJournalEntries -> TK Balanced - Journal Entries

        VA rpt_PayStatusCode -> TK Pay Status Code

        BC Rebate Paid (F550945)(RBPA) -> TK Amount - Gross

        BC Rebate Paid (F550945)(RBPA) -> TK Amount Open

        VA rpt_CurrencyMode -> TK Currency Mode-Foreign or Domestic Entry

        VA rpt_CurrencyCodeFrom -> TK Currency Code - From

        VA rpt_GlClass -> TK G/L Offset

        VA rpt_GlBankAccount -> TK G/L Bank Account

        VA rpt_AccountModeGL -> TK Account Mode - G/L

        VA rpt_CostCenter -> TK Business Unit

        VA rpt_SubledgerType -> TK Subledger Type

        RV SBL_1 -> TK Subledger - G/L

        VA rpt_VendorInvoiceNumber -> TK Supplier Invoice Number

        VA rpt_SequenceNoOperations -> TK Sequence Number - Operations

        BC Comment (F550945)(COMMENTS) -> TK Name - Remark

        BC Date - Exportation Date (F550945)(75TEPD) -> TK User Reserved Date

        VA rpt_UserReservedReference -> TK User Reserved Reference

        SL UserID -> TK Transaction Originator

        SL UserID -> TK User ID

        VA rpt_ProgramId -> TK Program ID

        SL DateToday -> TK Date - Updated

        VA rpt_TimeLastUpdated -> TK Time - Last Updated

        VA rpt_WorkStationId -> TK Work Station ID

        VA rpt_CurrencyCodeFrom -> TK Currency Code - Base

        BC Rebate Paid (F550945)(RBPA) -> TK Amount - To Distribute

0052 F0911Z1.Insert

        BC User ID (F550945)(USER) -> TK EDI - User ID

        VA rpt_EdiTransactNumber -> TK EDI - Transaction Number

        VA rpt_EdiLineNumber -> TK EDI - Line Number

        VA rpt_EdiSendRcvIndicator -> TK EDI - Send/Receive Indicator

        VA rpt_EdiSuccessfullyProcess -> TK EDI - Successfully Processed

        VA rpt_EdiTransactionAction -> TK EDI - Transaction Action

        VA rpt_EdiTransactionType -> TK EDI - Transaction Type

        VA rpt_EdiBatchNumber09 -> TK EDI - Batch Number

        SL DateToday -> TK Date - For G/L (and Voucher) - Julian

        VA rpt_NextNumber001 -> TK Batch Number

        VA rpt_BatchType -> TK Batch Type

        VA rpt_CompanyKey -> TK Company

        VA rpt_AcctNoInputMode -> TK Account Number - Input (Mode Unknown)

        VA rpt_AccountModeGL -> TK Account Mode - G/L

        VA rpt_AccountId -> TK Account ID

        VA rpt_CostCenter09 -> TK Business Unit

        VA rpt_ObjectAccount -> TK Object Account

        VA rpt_Subsidiary -> TK Subsidiary

        RV SBL_1 -> TK Subledger - G/L

        VA rpt_SubledgerType -> TK Subledger Type

        VA rpt_LedgerType -> TK Ledger Types

        VA rpt_Century -> TK Century

        VA rpt_CurrencyCodeFrom -> TK Currency Code - From

        BC Rebate Paid (F550945)(RBPA) -> TK Amount

        VA rpt_NameAlphaExplanation -> TK Name - Alpha Explanation

        BC Comment (F550945)(COMMENTS) -> TK Name - Remark Explanation

        BC Address Number - 1st (F550945)(AN81) -> TK Address Number

        VA rpt_VendorInvoiceNumber_1 -> TK Supplier Invoice Number

        SL DateToday -> TK Date - Invoice

        VA rpt_SequenceNoOperations -> TK Sequence Number - Operations

        SL DateToday -> TK Date - Service/Tax

        SL UserID -> TK User ID

        VA rpt_ProgramId -> TK Program ID

        VA rpt_WorkStationId -> TK Work Station ID

        SL DateToday -> TK Date - Updated

        VA rpt_TimeLastUpdated -> TK Time - Last Updated

        VA rpt_CurrencyMode -> TK Currency Mode-Foreign or Domestic Entry

        VA rpt_EdiSuccessfullyProcess -> TK Track Taxes Flag

0053 //

0054 //

0055 F550945.Update

        BC Auditor ID (F550945)(AUDITID) =  TK Auditor ID

        BC Date - Exportation Date (F550945)(75TEPD) =  TK Date - Exportation Date

        VA rpt_YesOrNoEntry -> TK Yes or No Entry

0056 //

0057 //


Saturday December 26, 2015  16:59








Event rule error Name/scope conflict for rpt_A1TR_NextstatusCode1

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Select Application Failure Header Label JDE- web client exception Error JD Edwards 9.1

Error during voucher enter entry.

After click  ok, getting following error:-

Send Email SQL Server Multiple Users/Single User

exec msdb.dbo.sp_send_cdosysmail
@From = N'xxxxxxxx\SQL1@MHC.Com',
--@To = N'Rajeevkum@gmail.Com;',
@To = N'Rajeevkum@gmail.Com',
@ReplyTo = N'Rajeevkum@gmail.Com',
@Subject = N'Auto: Success Rx Data Load ',
@Body = 'You are Successfully loaded Data in Rx Invoice Table. <BR> Please Run R5509654 in JDE to finish the Upload process.',
@BodyType ='HTMLBODY'

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

MCU/HMCU right justify JD edwards

update F0006dataload set mcmcu=right(replicate(' ',8)+ cast(ltrim(rtrim([mcmcu])) as varchar),12)

V Batch Error Matching issue PO fix JD Edwards

Here's what happened with this batch:


1.       Matched invoice A5127-IN to PO # 12643 under Batch #  67567 with payment terms set to 1/10 Net 30.

2.       Did a manual payment on the above batch. Batch # of the manual payment is 787878.

3.       Went to post Batch # 67567 , but the batch status became "Error."

a.       We believe this is because Peoplesoft can't support payment terms like 1/10 Net 30 which give a discount.

4.       Voided the manual payment (Batch # 67567 )

5.       Tried to void/reverse the voucher (Batch # 767677), but it won't work. There is no option to reverse the vouchers.


What we need to do is void/reverse Batch # 767677, so we can change the payment terms for ELFA International and then re-match the same invoice.

 My Fix

take backup

select *  from proddta.f0411 where rpicu=995730

select *  from proddta.f0911 where glicu=995730 and glicut='v'

select *  from jde_production.proddta.f4311 where pddoco=00396454


F0411 Open amount 0/gross amt 0

F0911 Amount 0

Run repost for related account - R099102

Change F4311 next last to 400 380

Asked user to recreat the voucher and match again......

Sunday, December 20, 2015


1860/5232 MAIN_THREAD                       Sun Dec 20 22:56:22.895000 Jdb_ctl.c4187
Starting OneWorld

1860/4836 FOREIGN_THREAD                     Sun Dec 20 22:56:50.970001 Dlg_msgb.cpp170
Warning:  Failed to load the image file: ObjectManagement -- object_management_workbench.htm

1860/5808 UNKNOWN                           Sun Dec 20 22:58:30.197002 Jdb_ctl.c7054
JDB4200003 - OPEN TABLE NOT CLOSED = F4009, opened from File=, Function=, Line=0.

1860/5808 UNKNOWN                           Sun Dec 20 22:58:30.198017 Jdb_ctl.c7054
JDB4200003 - OPEN TABLE NOT CLOSED = F4301, opened from File=, Function=, Line=0.

1860/5808 UNKNOWN                           Sun Dec 20 22:58:30.198035 Jdb_ctl.c7054
JDB4200003 - OPEN TABLE NOT CLOSED = F4301, opened from File=, Function=, Line=0.

1860/5808 UNKNOWN                           Sun Dec 20 22:58:30.199017 Jdb_ctl.c7054
JDB4200003 - OPEN TABLE NOT CLOSED = F4320, opened from File=, Function=, Line=0.

1860/5808 UNKNOWN                           Sun Dec 20 22:58:30.199035 Jdb_ctl.c7054
JDB4200003 - OPEN TABLE NOT CLOSED = F4301, opened from File=, Function=, Line=0.

1860/5808 UNKNOWN                           Sun Dec 20 22:58:30.200017 Jdb_ctl.c7054
JDB4200003 - OPEN TABLE NOT CLOSED = F4301, opened from File=, Function=, Line=0.

1860/5808 UNKNOWN                           Sun Dec 20 22:58:30.200036 Jdb_ctl.c7054
JDB4200003 - OPEN TABLE NOT CLOSED = F43199, opened from File=, Function=, Line=0.

1860/5808 UNKNOWN                           Sun Dec 20 22:58:30.287055 Jdb_ctl.c7054
JDB4200003 - OPEN TABLE NOT CLOSED = F0115, opened from File=RTK_FILEIO.c, Function=jdeK2FileIOOpenHandle, Line=1367.

1860/5808 UNKNOWN                           Sun Dec 20 22:58:30.303006 Jdedebug.c4408
PSTHREAD_MTX: Thread 5808 is ending with mutex MLISTMutex locked.  Unlock it 2 time here!!!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Select Application Failure Header Label JDE

To BottomTo Bottom

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Windows 10 WiFi issue Fix

By default, Windows 10 is set up to share your Internet connection over Wi-Fi. This is a nifty feature if you want it, and a dangerous one if you don't. To be on the safe side, you should probably just disable it right from the get-go.

Open the Settings app from the taskbar or Start Menu, then open Change Wi-Fi settings and click Manage Wi-Fi settings. Now, uncheck all the boxes under "For networks I select, share them with."

You may also want to slide the toggles to off underneath "Connect to suggested open hotspots" and "Connect to networks shared by my contacts."

JD Edawrds How to change Default Number of Rows Showing on Grid, Web/HTML

The Number of Grid records searched defaults to 10/20 for EnterpriseOne.

You can change this setting by changing the JAS.INI Its found in the E1 system path:

Find the section [OWWEB] in the JAS.ini and add or change the line "GlobalPageSize = xx", where XX is the number of records to show.  e.g. GlobalPageSize = 50

You can actually change it in a INI file on the web server or from Server Manager Console. Web Runtime - Grid Global page size = 10 = 10 rows at a time.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Remote table-Valued Function Calls are not allowed

EXEC  [Server].[Database]..sp_executesql N'select * into #temp1 from  [databasename].dbo.fnecon (''TT'', ''10/01/2015'', ''10/30/2015'');'