Saturday, October 20, 2012

Using BPEL to Build Composite Services and Business Processes

BPEL is a rich XML based language for describing the assembly of a set of existing 
web services into either a composite service or a business process. Once deployed, 
a BPEL process itself is actually invoked as a web service.
Thus anything that can call a web service, can also call a BPEL process, including 
of course other BPEL processes. This allows you to take a nested approach to 
writing BPEL processes, giving you a lot of flexibility.
In this chapter we first introduce the basic structure of a BPEL process, its key 
constructs, and the difference between a synchronous and asynchronous service. 
We then demonstrate through the building and refinement of two example BPEL 
processes, one synchronous the other asynchronous, how to use BPEL to invoke 
external web services (including other BPEL processes) to build composite services. 
During this procedure we also take the opportunity to introduce the reader to many 
of the key BPEL activities in more detail.


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