Friday, April 13, 2007

Call External EXE program from EnterpriseOne application

E1: FDA: Call External EXE program from EnterpriseOne application
Details: SOLUTION ID: 200987572 E1: FDA: Call External EXE program from EnterpriseOne application

How can I call an external .exe program from within an EnterpriseOne application?

The following methods can be used to call an external .exe program from an EnterpriseOne application

Method 1 : Using B34A1030 - Execute External Program
Business function B34A1030 - Execute External Program can be used to call an external program from within an EnterpriseOne application. The command must be passed to the function in an appropriate command format to run on the platform where the business function is called.

The example below calls the notepad.exe program, Pass in the szCommandLine as c:\winnt\Notepad.exe

Execute External Program
UNDEFINED -> cSuppressErrorMessage
VA ErrorCode <- cErrorCode
VA ErrorMessage <- szErrorMessageId
"c:\winnt\Notepad.exe" -> szCommandLine

Refer to the related Solution 200953337 which shows how to use B34A1030 on AS400 server.

Method 2: Using System Function "Run Executable" (Note: This system function is available in Interactive Applications Only)

In event rules, choose the system function icon and select the Run Executable system function under General.

Run Executable("C:\Path", "crc95.exe", "-g", "C:\Path\lynn.txt", , "C:\Path")

SPECIFIC TO: EnterpriseOne

External program
Calling - super value deals


Claudio Lisboa (CGLSOFT) said...

File can not be accessed.

A form level error has occurred.
CAUSE: ERROR: File can not be accessed.
Solution. . . Change IBM security or authority using the IBM EDTOBJAUT command.
This file can not be accessed with the current IBM authority
for the User executing this request.

Do you now how fix this?

Claudio Lisboa (CGLSOFT) said...

File can not be accessed.

A form level error has occurred.
CAUSE: ERROR: File can not be accessed.
Solution. . . Change IBM security or authority using the IBM EDTOBJAUT command.
This file can not be accessed with the current IBM authority
for the User executing this request.

How I solve this?