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Tuesday, April 18, 2023
Thursday, April 13, 2023
Databricks SQL Useful Shortcut
Databricks SQL Useful Shortcut
Ctrl+Shift+L : List tables in the current database.
Ctrl+Shift+T : Create a new table.
Ctrl+Shift+D : Drop a table.
Ctrl+Shift+U : Update a table.
Ctrl+Shift+I : Insert a row into a table.
Ctrl+Shift+D : Delete a row from a table.
Ctrl+Shift+F : Filter data in a table.
Ctrl+Shift+S : Sort data in a table.
Ctrl+Shift+P : Perform a SQL query.
Databricks Notebook Useful Shortcut
Databricks notebook shortcut
Ctrl+Enter : Run the current cell.
Shift+Enter : Run the current cell and move to the next cell.
Ctrl+Alt+p : Create a cell above the current cell.
Ctrl+Alt+n : Create a cell below the current cell.
Ctrl+Z : Undo the last action.
Ctrl+Y : Redo the last action.
Ctrl+A : Select all text in the current cell.
Ctrl+C : Copy the selected text.
Ctrl+V : Paste the copied text.
Ctrl+X : Cut the selected text.
Ctrl+L : Show or hide line numbers.
Ctrl+K : Comment out the selected text.
Ctrl+U : Uncomment the selected text.
Ctrl+Shift+F : Format the code in the current cell.
Ctrl+Shift+B : Run all cells in the current notebook.
Ctrl+Shift+S : Save the current notebook.
Ctrl+Shift+G : Go to line number.
Ctrl+Shift+H : Find and replace text.
Ctrl+Shift+P : Open the command palette.
Ctrl+Shift+Q : Quit Databricks.
Alt + Enter: Run the current cell and insert a new one below it
Esc + 0: Restart the kernel
Esc + M: Convert the current cell to a Markdown cell
Esc + Y: Convert the current cell to a code cell
Esc + A: Insert a new cell above the current cell
Esc + B: Insert a new cell below the current cell
Esc + X: Cut the current cell
Esc + C: Copy the current cell
Esc + V: Paste the cell that was cut or copied
Esc + D, D: Delete the current cell